What is Your Part in the Great Commission?

Revelation 7:9-10 says that every tribe and nation will gather around the throne of Jesus, giving Him all of the praise and worship. This Scripture shows us that missions is simply the goal of God’s glory and the Gospel advancement among all nations and people on earth. If God’s heart is for the world and the nations, are our hearts in alignment with His mission? There are numerous ways we can practically engage in the Great Commission. Not all of us will go to the ends of the earth, but we all are called to play a part. Here are six different roles that are critical to fulfilling the Great Commission:
Prayer is the foundation for God’s work. Pray and intercede for missionaries, unreached nations, and people groups.
Allow God to open your eyes to those around you. Millions of people from other countries have come to America and are living as foreigners. In Leviticus 19:34 and Deuteronomy 10:18-19, God calls us to care for and love the foreigner living among us. Be intentional to build relationships with and love those who are foreigners.
Giving & Sending
Jesus taught in Matthew 6:31, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” If you want your heart to beat for the nations, give to those on the frontline. Spontaneously give when you meet or hear a missionary, systematically support a missionary every month, and give sacrificially.
We need individuals who will help and encourage others to go, give, pray, and welcome! Walk with people on the journey of discerning and fulfilling what role God has asked them to play in the Great Commission.
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8). If you are sensing something, don’t disqualify yourself. God uses all types of people. All God asks is that we are open to going and obedient when He calls, and He will perform the miracle. My hope and prayer is that your faith would grow beyond the region you live in and that, as a follower of Jesus, your focus and mission would be in sync with God’s.

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