River Valley Care Ministry
Prayer and Care

Prayer & Care Requests
Care Resources

Counselor Referral List

Care Guide for Leaders
Marriage & Family Resources
Our Blended Family Ministry is designed to help strengthen families and break the destructive cycles of divorce. Blended families are a beautiful image of God’s story of redemption, but they have unique needs and challenges with common themes that require support and encouragement. Our network of blended family marriage mentors, Small Groups and other resources help equip families with the tools and the community to become a healthy blended family. For more information and to be connected with the Blended Families Ministry team at your local campus, send an email with your preferred contact information to blendedfamilies@rivervalley.org.
If you or someone you know has experienced the loss of a family member, you can contact us to make arrangements for a River Valley Church pastor to conduct a funeral service at River Valley or another location. For more information, please call 952-255-8800.
When illness or injury strikes, we are affected emotionally and spiritually. Our pastors and hospital visitation team members are available to visit for prayer and encouragement if you or someone you know is hospitalized. To request visitation, contact us at care@rivervalley.org or call 952-255-8800.
Our Meal Ministry is designed to provide meals for individuals/families that may have experienced a loss of a loved one or are at home recovering from surgery or serious illness. Our Meal Ministry team will provide 2-3 meals per week. If you would like to have meals set up and delivered to your home, please complete the Care Request form and indicate your need for meals and someone from our team will reach out.
If you or someone you know is interested in getting married at a River Valley location, you can contact us to make arrangements for a River Valley Church pastor to conduct a wedding service at one of our campuses or another location. For more information, please call 952-255-8800.
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