Our Heart is Global
Global Teams are one of the ways we are reaching the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
In 2024, we are sending over 80 teams, including 33 international teams to places like Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East!You can view upcoming teams and learn more about our different Global Team options below.

Types of Global Teams
Travel around the world to help meet physical and spiritual needs and share the love of Jesus Christ!
Serve with local ministries here in Minneapolis or partner with organizations across the country!
Participate in a virtual global team and connect with missionaries from around the world. These teams meet over Zoom for two hours, four days in a row.
Go on a historical tour and biblical journey! The scriptures will come to life as you visit places that Jesus and the disciples walked.
Upcoming Global Teams
At River Valley Church, our heart is global. That means we want to fulfill the Great Commission and take the gospel to all nations so that all people have a chance to hear that Jesus loves them. Click below to view upcoming Global Teams.
upcoming Global Teams
Our mission to reach the world
We are passionate about fulfilling our vision to raise up and send out 500 full-time missionaries from our church. These people are from all walks of life—young and old, married and single, college students and retired—and everything in between. They have committed to serve God overseas for at least one year and pray about giving Him a lifetime.
These 500 missionaries are known as the River Valley 500.
Kingdom Builders
Kingdom Builders is our way of bringing the Good News of the gospel to all nations through a faithful community passionate about generosity. The Bible shows us that Jesus gave all He had to reach the lost—and that there is no greater love than this. We want all nations and all people to be reached with the gospel so that the Kingdom of God is built all around the world.
Our goal is to raise $12 million dollars for Kingdom Builders, so that His name is known among the nations. Kingdom Builders invests in missionaries, ministries and organizations across the world who are doing strategic work with those who need it most. They are reaching the lost, serving the poor, changing the world and building the Kingdom of God. As Kingdom Builders, we believe that we are blessed to be a blessing and we give so that ALL may hear!

River Valley values your safety and cares about international security. We have partners on the ground that are able to give us real time information about the location where they are living. Should they say it is not safe to have team members come, your Team Leader will reach out to you with next steps.
You do not need to be a member of River Valley in order to be on a Global Team. But each team has specific requirements with required documentation i.e. Passports, forms and ID.
We suggest that you use the ⅓ method - fundraise ⅓ of your Global Team expenses, pay for ⅓ of your Global Team expenses and trust God with the remaining ⅓! Once you get approved for your Global Team, you will get instructions on how to set up a fundraising page. We encourage you to share this with your friends, family and colleagues.
Each Global Team has their own age requirements. Please see ‘Age Requirements’ for each team.
Each Global Team has an age limit. If the team you are wanting to go on allows children under the age of 18, they may need to be of a minimum age. All children under the age of 17 require parental/guardian supervision.
They can range from $250 - $3995, all depending on the location and the specific costs.
*Exceptions include Experience Teams.
Applications are on a first come first serve basis. Applications open at 12pm the first Monday of each month (unless otherwise specified). An ‘APPLY’ button will appear on the team specific page at 12pm (after you refresh your page). After you apply, you will be notified if you have been approved or not - once you have been approved, you will receive a link to complete your registration.
Renewing your passport is simple but it does take time to be processed by the government office; so, we would encourage you to start that process now if you are thinking about going on an international Global Team
As soon as more details are confirmed, we update our website. (ie. costs, leader information)