20,000 Gathered, 500 Sent
We are passionate about fulfilling our vision to raise up and send out 500 full-time missionaries from our church. These people are from all walks of life—young and old, married and single, college students and retired—and everything in between. They have committed to serve God overseas for at least one year and pray about giving Him a lifetime.
These 500 missionaries are known as the River Valley 500.
Watch the story of the 500 below.

What's My Role?
Jesus’ last words spoken on earth were, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News.” These words are known as the Great Commission and were not given to a group of missionaries but rather to those who called themselves followers of Jesus.With 42% of the world still waiting to hear that Jesus loves them, we all have a part to play in this global project known as the Great Commission.Listed below are just a few ways of how you can personally be involved in fulfilling the Great Commission. If you want to learn more about the importance of each of these roles, please register for Explore.Pray: Prayer is something we can all do! Ask God to send more missionaries, to strengthen those that are already serving and to open nations where the Gospel has not been preached. Stay disciplined in prayer, even when you don’t feel like it and be willing to sacrifice time, sleep and moments each day.
Prayer is something we can all do! Ask God to send more missionaries, to strengthen those that are already serving and to open nations where the Gospel has not been preached. Stay disciplined in prayer, even when you don’t feel like it, and be willing to sacrifice time, sleep and moments each day.
It is our vision to raise up 500 individuals, couples and families who are willing to go overseas for at least a year and pray about a lifetime. We call this special group of individuals the River Valley 500.
Thousands within River Valley use their financial resources to support missionaries monthly and give toward special projects all over world through Kingdom Builders. As a sender, we ask God to help us steward the resources He has given us with the greatest measure of His Wisdom.
As followers of Jesus, we should love our neighbors and welcome those from other countries. This means being kind to those who look, speak and dress differently than we do, developing friendships with people of different ethnic backgrounds and even opening up our homes and lives to share the love of Jesus with them. Many from other countries will never be invited into a home or into the lives of a believer but it starts will a simple hello and an investment of time to build a meaningful relationship.
To mobilize means to help others discover their role in the Great Commission. Humbly share with others the need to reach those who have not heard about Jesus’ love and come alongside and encourage those who are obeying God in their journey overseas. Being a mobilizer requires a sacrifice of time, comfort and convenience.
Missionary Action Plan
If you know God is asking you to serve him overseas some day, registering for the Missionary Action Plan (MAP) is a great first step for you! We have created the MAP as a starting point to explore missions at a deeper level.
This process is designed to help you discern the role God is calling you to play in the Great Commission. Whether that be praying, going, sending or supporting, we all have different roles to play.
If you’re ready to register for The Missionary Action Plan, click below.
Today, over 250 individuals have already been sent to the mission field all over the world!
If you have questions about the River Valley 500, The MAP or general questions about the journey to the field, please feel free to email us at globalproject@rivervalley.org.

Support Missionaries
As a church, we support missionaries all across the world. You can learn more about and donate to our missionaries by clicking on their pictures below.
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