Missionary Action Plan

The Missionary Action Plan is for both those who are called to the mission field and for those who are just wanting to explore the possibilities.

Thank you for responding to what God is stirring in your heart about missions. You may be here because you already know God wants you to serve Him overseas. You may be here only because God nudged you about missions, but you have no idea what that means. Or you may be somewhere in between. No matter where you are, we will help you take your next step.

What's My Role?

The Missionary Action Plan (the MAP for short) is a process that will help you sort out what God is asking you to do. God will ask some of you to GO overseas as part of the River Valley 500. But He will ask all of us to:

  • PRAY for nations in the parts of the world where people do not have access to the Good News about Jesus.
  • SEND missionaries overseas by living more simply and supporting missionaries on a monthly basis or by giving to Kingdom Builders to help missionaries complete projects that will help them reach the unreached.
  • MOBILIZE people to the mission field as an advocate for the 500 (Training provided by Global Project.)
  • WELCOME people from foreign countries who live right in your neighborhood or in your city, building a friendship with them and sharing your faith with them.

Here is what we do know: you have a part to play in reaching the unreached around the world. The Missionary Action Plan is designed to help you discover what your role is.

As you go through the first phase of the MAP, you will be exposed to all of these opportunities to be part of reaching our Bullseye of putting 500 people on the field. The first phase of the MAP helps you grow in your faith and it exposes you to the different roles you can play. Your heart may resonate with one or more of these roles. One thing we know for certain is that God will direct you as you lean in.There are multiple steps in each phase. Don’t let that freak you out. Just take them as they come–or take them out of order, as one of them jumps out at you.

If you know right away that you are called to serve God overseas someday, you can tell us that in your registration process. We will reach out to you about meeting with a MAP coach.

If you are just not sure what God may be asking you to do, just start working your way through the steps and obey God in whatever He asks you to do.In the meantime, enjoy this journey. Serving God with our whole heart is the greatest joy in the world.

God bless you,
Your Global Project Team

Vital Relationships for Missions Success

Support Team
We do not believe that you should go on this journey alone; you need a team of supporters standing beside you. River Valley Church believes in missions, believes in you and wants to help you fulfill the call that God has placed on your life. Here is the support team we highly recommend:

  • Global Advocate
    A Global Advocate is a trained individual who is both passionate about missions and can walk beside you each step of your journey. They will help you process through key phases and questions and perhaps at times even challenge you to keep going. Ask a current mentor or lay leader in your life to get reach out to Global Project and we’ll provide guidance and resources, so they can fulfill the role successfully.
  • Global Support Team
    Your Global Support Team is a small group (6-8) of close family and/or friends who will agree to encourage you, challenge you, pray for you and be the ones to remember you on those days when you feel forgotten and perhaps overwhelmed. (Connect with your Advocate for more information.)
Global Support Team
  • River Valley Church
    As your home church, River Valley Church is committed to raising 500 missionaries from our church. We consider it an honor to use our resources to reach the world and will help financially support any approved missionary from River Valley Church.
  • Sending Organization/Agency
    At some point along the way, you will need to designate a sending organization/agency to partner with. This organization will provide greater training, development and accountability in several critical areas, including financial accountability. (See below more sending organization/agency details.)
  • Financial Supporters
    In addition to the financial support River Valley Church will provide, as part of the 500, you will need a number of additional financial supporters, including other churches, family members, old friends, coworkers, neighbor and many others.

MAP Phase List

Phase One

Developing/Being – Character and Community

  • Read “Divine Mentor” and commit to daily devotions through SOAP
  • Pray daily for nations around the world using a prayer resource like or
  • Take the 30 Day Live Dead Challenge from the “Live Dead Journal”
  • Attend, and if possible, lead or host an Explore Small Group.
  • Join and serve faithfully on a Serve Team at your campus through Phases 1, 2 and 3 of the MAP
  • In addition to your tithe, become a Kingdom Builder with over and above generosity
  • Go on a Global Team
  • Begin to read some short classic Christian biographies like “They Knew Their God
  • Participate in River Valley’s Welcome Home, Alpha and Freedom Core Groups
  • If married, contact to request a Marriage Mentor
Phase Two

Discovering/Knowing – Awareness and Education

  • Read “The Missionary Call
  • Interview at least two long-term missionaries
  • Email and request a list of Global Advocates for your campus. Then reach out to one of them and meet with them
  • Start to explore possible missions sending agencies
  • Research resources and ministries focused on your specific missions passion
  • Consider possible educational options
  • Through a relationship, share your personal testimony with an immigrant living in the U.S. and if possible, begin to study the Bible with them
  • Read another classic Christian biography like “No Compromise
  • Meet with your Global Advocate
Phase Three

Doing – Leadership and Practical

  • Read “Insanity of Obedience
  • Go on another Global Team to a different continent than your last one
  • Be a part of or lead a cross-cultural ministry and begin to develop a cross-cultural friendship. If possible, start a Bible Study with them
  • Interview at least two additional long-term missionaries
  • Continue to research missionaries and sending organizations
  • Live more simply, get out of debt, and grow a cash reserve of $10K
  • Read the Global Support Team Information Packet and begin developing your Global Support Team
  • Connect with your Global Advocate; review your MAP progress
Phase Four

Deploying – Going

  • Decide on a sending organization and work with them to determine a reasonable budget
  • Read “The Spirituality of Fundraising
  • Contact to request an official River Valley Global Project Missionary Profile
  • Meet with your Global Advocate
  • Develop a timeline for going
  • Find opportunities to present at churches, groups, etc.
  • Go! 

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