What Do I Do After Easter?
Oh, the difference that one year can make! Last year in America the lockdowns were just commencing and in my home state of Minnesota, we had a blizzard to top it all off. Snow on a locked-down Easter did not feel great for a year that was challenging enough. This year, restrictions had been lifted enough to have in-person church services all around the world. Now that Easter has passed, what should we do now?If you are new to churchIf it was your first time to church in your life, or maybe the first time in a long time, as a pastor I just want to say how incredible it is that you would take the time to come to church! We want to partner with you beyond just attending on Easter, and I’m going to encourage you to get connected with your local church. The church is a community. The purpose of the church is to build relationships with other believers so you can walk with Jesus and become more like him. How to get connected?
Show up the following week.
Find a small group. Reach out to one of our pastors.
If you gave your life to Jesus
If you dedicated or re-dedicated your life to Jesus this weekend, I personally want to congratulate you! You truly made the best decision of your life. Now that you’re starting this walk with Jesus, I would recommend getting a Bible (you can find one online here) and start to read it. There isn’t a prescribed number of days you need to read, but the goal is that you would spend time with the Lord by reading your Bible at least once a day. This is going to help you understand who God is, His plan for your life, how to live according to His plan and purpose for you, and grow in becoming more like Jesus. Not sure where to start? Here is a great devotional plan that you can use for 30 days as you begin to understand your faith!
If you invited someone
If you brought someone to church with you this year, make sure you follow up with them! In Matthew 28 Jesus tells his disciples that they are to go and make more disciples! “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” As Christians, we need to disciple them in their walk with Jesus. This person is not a problem to solve or a goal to meet, this is someone God loves and wants to be in a relationship with. So, how do we do this?
Ask how you can be praying for them.
Invite them to lunch or coffee.
Bring them to your small group.
For the rest of us
For those of us who attended Easter, what do we do? Is there a way we can live our lives differently now even if we’ve heard the Easter message before? The answer is, yes! Today is a great day to take the next step in your walk with Jesus. What might that look like?
Prioritize spending more time reading your Bible and praying.Sign up to serve your community through outreach projects and evangelism. Join a small group.
Start giving financially to the church you attend. At River Valley Church, we teach and practice the Biblical principle of tithing. Easter is the starting point for the Christian faith. The death and resurrection of Jesus allowed everyone to have a relationship with God through Him. Wherever you find yourself on Easter, know that God loves you and wants to be in a relationship with you and everyone you know. Our mission is to proclaim the work of Jesus to all, and Easter is the best reminder of that for us. Let’s live changed by the power of Jesus!
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