3 Rhythms of Marriage
Invest in your marriage through these three marriage rhythms:
Daily Connect Time
Connecting with your spouse for 20-30 minutes each day through meaningful conversation will strengthen the bond of connection you share together. While connecting, make sure to avoid distractions like cell phones and TV. Praying together for 2-3 minutes each day will have a powerful impact on your marriage relationship.
Weekly Date Night
Prioritizing a weekly date night with your spouse will show how you value your marriage relationship and speak volumes to your children. Make sure to add your date night to your calendar, just like you would with any other appointment. Add interest by taking turns planning your weekly date night. If you have small children, get creative with childcare options. Do you know of another family where you could trade childcare every other week?
Yearly Getaway
A yearly getaway is a great way to invest in your marriage. This will take some planning in your budget but will be well worth the sacrifice and investment. Plan to bring your Vision for Your Marriage Guidebook on your yearly getaway. Most of all, have fun together!
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