Doing this One Thing Every Day will Change your Life Forever

March 21, 2024
1 Minute Read

That’s a pretty bold statement. One thing that I can do every day that will change my life forever? It’s not some new-age workout routine or dieting plan. Don’t be disappointed in the simplicity of one of the most life-changing techniques our world has ever seen. What is the secret? Reading your Bible every day.

The Center for Bible Engagement did a study where they asked 40,000 people, general population from age 8-80 how often, if at all, they read the bible. Although they weren’t looking for what we are about to talk about specifically it became the cornerstone of their study.

We will talk about the issues in our lives affected by bible reading in just a moment. When someone engages with their bible one time a week, there is no change. 2 times per week, there is no change. 3 times per week, there is a faint change. 4 times or more per week, a person’s life is radically changed.

Here are the areas affected by reading your bible 4 or more times per week:

Feeling lonely drops 30%

Anger issues drop 32%

Bitterness in relationships drop 40%

Alcoholism drops 57%

Feeling spiritually stagnant drops 60%

Viewing pornography dops 61%

God wants to speak to you through his word, he wants to spend time with you as you read the scriptures, he wants to change you from the inside out. The problem is that God’s word will never transform you if you never read it.

What barriers or excuses are keeping you from reading your bible every day? You need to identify the root cause of what is keeping you from reading God’s word. It could be a timing issue, an awareness issue or just a motivation issue.

Whatever is holding you back from daily bible reading, take it to God and really press in to spending time with him. It will literally change your life!

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